Policy Briefs

Environmental Security: Achieving Durable Outcomes in Fragile and Conflict-affected Situations

Environmental Security: Achieving Durable Outcomes in Fragile and Conflict-affected Situations

Many of the places facing the greatest environmental problems also confront challenges related to conflict and/or state fragility, so called fragile and conflict-affected situations (FCS), with implications for GEF project operations and outcomes. The GEF partnership has increased attention to FCS over the past decade, and the GEF Secretariat has committed to developing more tailored guidance for conflict-sensitive programming. To address this important issue, STAP co-convened a workshop with the GEF Secretariat on November 27, 2023, bringing together GEF agency representatives and experts to consider how best to incorporate available guidance on FCS into GEF practice to increase the likelihood of enduring environmental outcomes in these situations.

STAP’s Brief on “Achieving durable global environmental benefits in fragile and conflict-affected situations” summarizes and builds upon insights from the workshop to highlight ways in which GEF agencies can increase the likelihood of achieving durable GEBs when operating in FCS through effective program and project design, focusing on specific six entry points for effectively integrating FCS guidance, with examples and reference material for each. It also outlines several important opportunities at a systemic level to strengthen GEF engagement in FCS and increase the likelihood that its investments achieve enduring GEBs. This includes 1) communicating risk appetite and its implications for FCS; 2) supporting flexible and adaptive management in implementation; and 3) enabling learning and exchange through leveraging existing platforms and technical assistance.